
Chick Days

🌟 Exciting News from Stoltzfus Feed & Supply! 🌟

We’re thrilled to announce that our second Chick Order will be arriving May 21st! We're bringing in a fantastic variety of chickens for you to add to your flock, including some rare and exotic breeds:

🐣 New Hampshire

🐣 Buff Orpingtons

🐣 Olive Egger

🐣 Blue Australorps

🐣 Blue Laced Gold Wyandotte

🐣 Ameraucana

These chicks will be available first come, first serve—so be sure to get here early to snag your favorites! We will not be preselling this year, so the early bird really does get the worm!

Don’t miss out on adding some unique and colorful additions to your backyard flock! See you soon at Stoltzfus Feed & Supply!